Sport Injuries

Whether you partake in classes to keep fit, clock up the trainer miles with Park Runs or are an elite professional, sports activities are a regular way of life for many of us now, and involve people from across all age groups. Many of the injuries are the result of overuse, increasing intensity too quickly and not warming up properly beforehand.

The treatment and advice on offer will not only target your current injury but will also focus on prevention. Sometimes incorrect equipment can lead to injuries – ill-fitting footwear can cause hip, knee and foot injuries. Reduced joint flexibility will affect the degree of performance and may result in injury if the player is unaware that they cannot perform to the same level as they used to.

The good news is that although sports injuries are common, those who are fit tend to recover more quickly and easily from their injuries.

Do you need help with Sports Injuries?
If you are suffering from a sports injury, Notts Osteopathy are experienced in treating them. Speak to Alex about setting up an initial consultation.

Related Links 
Back | Neck | Shoulder | Elbow | Wrist | Hip|Knee |Foot & Ankle

Nottingham Osteopath Alex Szabo provides osteopathy and sports massage treatments for patients across the Midlands.

GOC registered osteopath Institute osteopathy member


Tel: 0747 124 8330
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7am - 7pm

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