Medical Acupuncture
Medical Acupuncture (dry needling) is a technique only to be used by health professionals. The term is used to convey that the approach is based on the structure and function of the body. Hypodermic needles are inserted into the muscle following the
The appropriate dosage of dry needles is tailored to the individual and further treatment is tailored to the response of the patient. In line with his mission statement, Alex’s scope of work goes beyond this technique, as he will give additional advice relating to remedial exercise and support as needed to put you back in control of your body.
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Sports Massage
Medical Acupuncture
Kinesiology Taping
Nottingham Osteopath Alex Szabo provides osteopathy and sports massage treatments for patients across the Midlands.
Tel: 0747 124 8330
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7am - 7pm