Osteopath Prices. Please find our prices for Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Kinesiology taping and Acupuncture. All services are all charged at the same rate.
Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Kinesiology taping and Acupuncture are all charged at the same rate.
Principle Osteopath
Initial Consultation and treatment
40 to 60 minutesFollow up treatment
30 minutesExtended Session
60 minutesAssociate Osteopath
Initial Consultation and treatment
40 to 60 minutesFollow up treatment
30 minutesExtended Session
60 minutesPayments methods
Payment can be made by cash, all major cards and apple or google pay.
Cancellation policy
By booking an appointment, the patient is agreeing to the cancellation policy. Your time, as well as the practitioner’s time, is important. Furthermore, this allows emergencies or people awaiting appointments to be seen more promptly. Therefore, if you are unable to attend to your appointment, please give us 24-hour notice or a charge equal to the full treatment price will be liable to charge.
Nottingham Osteopath Alex Szabo provides osteopathy and sports massage treatments for patients across the Midlands.
Tel: 0747 124 8330
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7am - 7pm